Buying new tires can be an expensive endeavor, with a set of four setting you back over a few hundred dollars. However, there is A viable alternative that many Georgia auto owners never consider; buying used tires Canton GA.
Every year Georgia drivers buy a set of brand new tires, usually leaving the old ones with the dealer. Rather than disposing of tires that often have thousands of miles of life left, tires dealers resell the used tires to motorists who may not be able to pay new tires costs.
Are Used Tires Safe?
People may wonder if buying used tires is safe, but as long as the tire tread and sidewall is in good shape a used tire is just as safe a new one. Just always remember to buy used tires from a trusted dealer, as no reputable tire dealer will want to risk their reputation, and a possible lawsuit, to make a few bucks on selling a used tire that is not roadworthy. Once you have found a reputable used tires Canton GA shop the rest is fairly simple.
Inspecting Used Tires
First, check your owners manual for the correct tire size or check the tires currently on your vehicle. Next, inspect the sidewall of the tire, inside and out for any damage. If there is more than one repair it may be an indication of a flawed tire.
Check the remaining tread life by placing a penny in the middle of the tire’s tread with the top of Lincoln’s head pointing down. If the tread stills covers Abe’s hair the tire has plenty of tread left. Next, check to see if the wear pattern is evenly distributed across the surface of the tire. If there are any signs of uneven wear you should pass on the tires. Finally, try to find tires that have matching treads, as having tires with too dissimilar patterns can result in faster wear and unsafe driving conditions.
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